Holistic Counselling

+ Wellness Coaching

 What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

My mission is to empower people to believe in themselves so they can live a life they truly desire.

Hello and welcome, I’m so glad you’ve landed here! My name is Cobie and I am a registered Holistic Counsellor, Wellness Coach and Meditation Teacher, based in Victoria, Australia

Firstly, I’d like to pose a question for you to ponder, it’s a big one…

Are you happy?

Like actually happy at the core of your being? Mind body and soul, happy?

I told you it was a biggie, maybe it brought up some discomfort and maybe you even feel like closing the web browser and running away. That’s okay, sometimes looking inwards can be a little scary but sticking at it can also lead to beautiful transformations.

I’m sure you’d agree that the pace and pressures of life have been more potent than ever. It’s easy to get caught up in all the ‘busyness’, and/or looking after everyone else, that we often lose ourselves along the way, sometimes without even realising.

Taking time to invest in yourself is paramount, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Ensuring your thoughts and actions serve you in a positive way is vital to living a truly fulfilled life.

My mission is to serve and empower you in 1:1 sessions to believe in yourself. You will become the happiest, most confident and aligned version of yourself so you can live a life you truly desire!

Life is far too short and precious for anything less, right?


Are you ready to make lasting change and live a more fulfilling life?

Click here to find how you can work with me

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After a second chance at life and a lengthy recovery, I chose to rebuild myself and use my unique gifts to serve others.

Click here to learn more about my services, me and my story

“Take a look at everything you’re doing with your life and make sure you’d choose it all again.”

— Sam Brown