Do you resonate with any of the following?

  • You currently feel overworked, burnt out, lacking self care and joy in your life.

  • You are looking for more meaningful relationships and want to enhance your communication skills.

  • You experience stress, overwhelm, anxiety and are looking to feel calmer, more confident and vibrant.

  • You are unhappy with where you are currently, lack direction and purpose and are not sure what’s next.

  • You struggle with your mindset and limiting beliefs and would love to change this.

  • You are recovering from an accident, struggling with illness and the lack of understanding/support from those around you.

  • You feel called to step into your full potential and would love a guide to support you on your journey.


You resonated with some of the above or maybe more than you care to admit, and that’s okay. Self awareness is the first step of your journey. I’d love to support you in your healing and self discovery.

I offer face-to-face or online sessions. Please fill out my intake form and I will be in contact.

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”



$160 - Initial consult

60-90 minutes

$140 - Follow up

50-60 minutes

$650 - 5 x session Package

Save $50

$1300 - 10 x session Package

Save $100

$1200 LEVEL UP 8 week package

Enquire for inclusions

Sessions are available in person at my practice or out amongst nature, and online.

“The happiest people I know are always evaluating and improving themselves. Make yourself a priority, at the end of the day, you are your longest commitment.”

— Unknown